The XZ-2 brings backs this glass, but enhances its imaging capabilities with a new 12-megapixel, 1/1.7-inch backlit CMOS sensor for improved image quality with slightly higher resolution. The preceding Olympus XZ-1 was a well-regarded compact, thanks largely to the fast f/1.8-2.5 lens that spanned an equivalent zoom range of 28-112mm. However, up at the higher end of the spectrum where enthusiast and professional photographers roam, cameras like the Olympus XZ-2 remain, thank goodness. In the consumer space, the result is a glut of what seem like identical point-and-shoot models. The compact camera market is an increasingly crowded one, with manufacturers rushing to cram a greater number of features into ever-smaller bodies. It's currently available in black for $550 at most online retailers. in November 2013 for a retail price of US$600. The Olympus XZ-2 began shipping in the U.S.
Pricier than many enthusiast compacts Image detail starts dropping off at ISO 800 and noise becomes problematic at ISO 3200 Lens cover pops off as zoom lens extends, when you turn the camera on.

Good image quality for its class Fast, bright f/1.8-2.5 i.ZUIKO 4x zoom lens Dual-purpose front Control Ring lets you select aperture or focus manually three-inch articulating LCD touch-screen monitor. Overall, the XZ-2 captures great images, offers a horde of advanced photographic capabilities and is a joy to use, placing it on the short list of compact cameras suitable for truly demanding photographers. But the not-quite-pocketable camera's core selling point remains the fast and bright f/1.8-2.5 i.ZUIKO 4x zoom lens that's ideal for low-light shooting, and can better blur backgrounds than most compact cameras.
Boasting a new 12-megapixel 1/1.7-inch CMOS sensor and three-inch articulating LCD touchscreen, the Olympus XZ-2 enthusiast compact camera marks a serious upgrade over the XZ-1.